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Probably the best way you can contribute is spreading the word, so that this place can become an online junction for those nomadically-inclined. You can link to this website on facebook or anywhere else, tell your friends and family, have it tatooed on your arm... be creative!


Ways to Get Involved


If you want to contribute to this website or to The Crab, feel free to give me all your money. I promise that all money received through donation will go solely into keeping the website up and running, improving the current Crab, and making a new and improved Crab. The next Crab I make will be precisely documented from beginning to end, so that I can spread detailed plans for free. I didn't do this yet because the current Crab is far from perfect.

Have a project? An Idea?

After all (and before all), this website was made to share ideas and experiences of alternative living, so if you have any of the above, or know anyone who does, the easiest way to share it is to send it to me by email, with photos or anything else in the attachment. With your authorization, it will be published on the website. This is the address:

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